**Please note that this screening tool is for Condo Corporation use only. Results will not be monitored. If you develop signs and sysmptoms of COVID with in 14 days of filling up this form, you must inform the Corporation.**

To protect our staff and residents, all contractors and service providers attending or working inside our buildings (including in the units) must be screened for COVID-19 before they enter the building. This screening must be done every day you attend our site.

Please complete the Screening Questionnaire below before entering our building. Once you submit it, a copy of your answers will be sent to the corporation's property manager. You will also get a copy within a couple of minutes of having submitted the form.

If already registered, click login to auto fill the form | View history



Are you currently experiencing any of these symptoms? Choose any/all that are new, worsening, and not related to other known causes or conditions you already have.

DO NOT enter the building if you answered YES to any of the above.


By pressing submit you agree to have the above information sent to the condo corporations and/or their management.


The information collected as part of this Screening Process is collected for COVID tracing purpose only. It will be retained by Property Manager for a period of at least one month or more. If requested to do so under the Health Protection and Promotion Act or under any other applicable legislation, our Property Manager may disclosed this information to a medical officer of health or any other authorized agent or inspector. Our Property Manager may also use this information for tracing purposes or to communicate a known case of infection to other users or owners/ occupants or Local Public Health. Should you become positive for COVID-19 in connection with this premises within a 14 day interval please inform us and the Local Public Health. For latest information on COVID-19 prevention measures please contact your Local Public Health.